远航一号 发表于 2024-3-18 09:26:56


Russian offensive warning - Spring 2024Putin's been reelected, Ukraine is desperately short on men, ammunition and equipment, and Western resolve is cracking.  It seems to me the time is ripe to end this war.What do the Russians have to attack with?  Let's take a look




远航一号 发表于 2024-3-18 09:28:23

We're looking at a 500,000-man prewar force, plus 300,000 reservists, plus 540,000 volunteers (18 months at 30,000/month), minus 100,000 casualties, for a total army of 1.24 million men.


远航一号 发表于 2024-3-18 09:30:34

This leaves a million men to deal with Ukraine - considerably more, by the way, than even the most aggressive estimates of Russian force strength actually in theater, suggesting most of these troops are on standby in the deep rear.  This is also much higher than any serious estimate of Ukrainian force strength at this point, most of which range from 400-600,000.


远航一号 发表于 2024-3-18 09:32:48

The Russians overprepared to defeat the Ukrainian 2023 offensive.  I very strongly suspect they've overprepared for their own attack this year - and that they intend that blow to be so heavy as to foreclose intervention by NATO forces.  But more on that later.



远航一号 发表于 2024-3-18 22:23:26



西方已经注意到,如果没有美国的支持,乌克兰将走向“崩溃”:如果它能够遏制俄罗斯,那么这将以巨大损失以及丧失重要领土为代价。 《华盛顿邮报》甚至写道,乌克兰的防空导弹即将耗尽,这就是为什么俄罗斯的打击变得越来越有效—他们表示,未来乌克兰武装部队将能够击退不超过20%的俄罗斯导弹空袭。莫斯科在军事生产方面也有优势—乌克兰每发射一枚炮弹,俄罗斯就生产五枚以上炮弹。

与此同时,乌克兰武装部队和前线并非一切顺利 - 俄罗斯部队继续进攻行动,但班科娃宣布的防御工事实际上并不存在。

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