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英媒:引导海外舆论的“大外宣”资金掌握在刘春行手中 [复制链接]

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发表于 2012-9-2 04:01:23 |只看该作者 |正序浏览


通过瘟奸女婿刘春行(Liu Chunhang)对剑桥大学教授PeterNolan 的中国软实力捐款,金额为370万英镑,也可从剑桥大学的学报上查出。瘟奸女婿刘春行(Liu Chunhang)是中国银行调控(监督?)委员会,统计与研究两个部门的总管。
瘟奸就是用中华基金Zhong Hua Foudation) 引导海外舆论的。他同样会收买海外华人媒体及FLG出口转内销的方式,大肆摸黑薄谷。这就是为什麽这次海外华人媒体及FLG放出的谣言,后来都被挡中央证实了。FLG强力支持瘟奸,他们其实反对民主与人权,他们想与中共分享权力对人民继续压迫搞专制。




“Bewarethe threat of China”?

Press, students and academics argue over £3.7mprofessorship set up by unknown Chinese foundation

A privategift of £3.7m from the mysterious Chong Hua Foundation has sparked debate aboutthe anonymity of the University's donations and its relationship with thePeople's Republic of China. The funds will be used to create a new chair ofChinese Development at the Centre of Development Studies in the new Departmentof Politics and International Studies (POLIS).


TheUniversity's ethical guidelines on the acceptance of benefactions prevent itfrom accepting donations that have arisen from or may encourage or requireviolation of human rights conventions, limitation of freedom of inquiry, or thesuppression or falsification of academic research. However, the lack ofinformation freely available about the Chong Hua Foundation has led to aconsiderable amount of scepticism.

Criticshave made comparisons between the Chong Hua donation and one of £1.5m to theLondon School of Economics by a foundation run by Saif al-Islam Gaddafi - thesubject of the recent Woolf report. Former senior lecturer at POLIS Tarak Barkawidescribed Cambridge University's behaviour as "reckless and simply notgood enough".

Ofparticular concern have been the links between Professor Peter Nolan, who willoccupy the newly created post, and the Chinese premier Wen Jiabao. Nolan hasco-authored several papers and a book with Wen's son-in-law, Liu Chunhang,after teaching him as a postgraduate and in his position at the Judge BusinessSchool. Nolan also allegedly tutored Wen Ruchun, the premier's daughter. 教授Peter Nolan,将得到这个职务,他与中国总理温家宝的关系引起了特别的关注。Nolan在商务评估学院教授曾温家宝的女婿刘春行的研究生课程,在刘毕业后,曾经与刘春行合写了几篇论文及一本书。Nolan也曾单独辅导过温家宝女儿温如春。

AUniversity spokesperson has asserted that, "Professor Nolan a highlyrespected scholar of Chinese Development" and is not under the influenceof the Chinese government.

They alsostressed the independence of the Chong Hua Foundation, describing it as "aprivate charitable foundation set up by wealthy individuals to benefiteducation", whose wish to remain anonymous was "commonpractice", adding that the origins of the donations had been fully examinedby the Executive Committee of the University Council.

Theseclaims did not convince Barkawi. "In a dictatorship," he argued,"there is no such thing as an independent educational foundation."

A POLISstudent, who wishes to remain anonymous, acknowledged the"propagandistic" nature of some donations from the People's Republic,but did not agree with the "decidedly negative tone" taken in mediacoverage of this and other benefactions from China. She pointed to a "knee-jerkreaction" in the British press, which cautions us to "beware thethreat of China".

Thestudent alluded to wider fears about the implications of China's success forthe West, noting that much of the doubt surrounding Prof Nolan's academicintegrity and independence has rested on his "positive view of China'srecent developments" that accepts a "remarkable level ofcompetence" in the managing of the nation's economy. She rejected theseassumptions, concluding: "You don't have to be an apologist for the rulingregime in order to hold these views on China".

Alice Moore - Deputy News Editor

This article was posted on Thursday, February 2nd, 2012. You canfollow any responses to this article through the RSS 2.0 feed.

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