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苏联的解体完全是官僚阶层的恶意的反民主行为 [复制链接]

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发表于 2015-5-17 21:57:18 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览

2010-12-16 17:14:09
1990 年前后,为研究苏联改革的走向,包括美国民意测验机构在内的许多西方国家在苏联进行了多次民意测验,结果表明,支持实行资本主义的人在 5%-20%左右,高达80%的人民都希望坚持社会主义。如1991年5月,美国一个民意测验机构在苏联进行了一次一千人规模的民意测验,其中一项内容是 “你是否赞成在苏联实行美国式的自由市场经济?”,结果只有17%的人表示同意,83%的人表示不赞成。这样看来,苏联公众的大多数并不想取消社会主义而 建立资本主义,他们只是要求进行改良而已。
当年发生的事情很清楚,促使苏联解体的决策并非来自人民公投,而是叶利钦的独断专行。在1990年苏联 各加盟共和国先后宣布独立时,为了确定究竟是否有必要保留苏维埃联盟,戈尔巴乔夫在1991年举行了一次全民公投,以决定是保留还是解散联盟。公投的结果是:70%以上的苏联人认为应该保留联盟。对联盟支持率最低的乌克兰也到达 70%,俄罗斯以外的加盟共和国基本上在76%左右。
有件有趣的事可 以在这里顺便提一下,即摩尔多瓦共和国拒绝参加这次公投。这是很奇怪的一个现象,因为自1989 年大选后,摩尔多瓦的最高权力已经被通过民主选举上台的民主派所把持,而正是这些以民主斗士自居的政客们却不敢让人民参加一个民意的公投,这是为什么?因为政客们害怕民众的投票结果显示大多数人更愿意待在联盟中而不是独立。
有 人可能认为,从社会主义改革转变为资本主义是苏联人民的选择,人民欢迎资本主义,新当选的领导人体现了人民的愿望。但是,这种解释与一项对苏联公民制度偏 好调查的结果相矛盾。1991年5月,一家美国民意测验机构在包括俄罗斯联邦在内的几个国家中做了广泛的民意调查。俄罗斯人在调查中需要回答他们更希望选择哪一种社会制度,在回答者当中,12%选择“一个沿着我们过去走过的道路的社会主义社会”,42%选择“一种更民主的社会主义”。所以,54%的大多数 选择某种类型的社会主义。另外27%选择“一种改良资本主义,例如瑞典”,只有 19%选择“一种自由市场资本主义,例如美国或者德国”。显然,以叶利钦为代表的反对派集团所走的最后一个方向,仅仅得到很少俄罗斯民众的支持。

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发表于 2015-5-17 22:03:01 |只看该作者
有人说,苏联解体是民意的反应,那么民意是什么样呢?1991年3月17日苏联就是否继续保留苏联做全民公决,这是苏联史上唯一一次全民公决,问题是“你 认为是否有必要把苏联继续保持为一个统一平等的主权共和国,且拥有保持各民族人民自由和权利的所有措施。”当时80%公民参加投票,76.4%支持保持苏联,21.7%民众反对,1.9%无效票。但苏联最终还是解体了,代表民意的全民公决并没有决定国家的命运……有人说,苏联解体是为了追求民主,是民主的 体现。但一位前苏联人这样说,“20年过去了,我的记忆是深刻的,那仿佛是昨天的事情。经过多年的体制性无序,国家的财富又重新回到原来那些人手里。要想重要把财富从他们手里拿回来,只能通过新的革命。”另一位说,“20年来,我们经历了所有的苦痛。现在我们可以自由地说了,但这并没有改变任何东西。我们 可以说,但掌握权力的人并不在意我们说什么。我可以说了,但他们不根本想听……”







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Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2015-5-17 22:05:27 |只看该作者
70% 通过了保留苏联the preservation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Soviet Union referendum, 1991
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Voting bulletinA referendum on the future of the Soviet Union was held on 17 March 1991. The question put to voters was

Do you consider necessary the preservation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics as a renewed federation of equal sovereign republics in which the rights and freedom of an individual of any nationality will be fully guaranteed?[1]

In Kazakhstan the wording of the referendum was changed by substituting "equal sovereign states" for "equal sovereign republics."[2]

Although the vote was boycotted by the authorities in Armenia, Estonia, Georgia (though not the breakaway province of Abkhazia, where the result was over 98% in favour,[3] and in South Ossetia),[4] Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova (though not Transnistria or Gagauzia),[5] turnout was 80% across the USSR.[2] The referendum was approved by at least 70% of voters in all nine other republics that took part. It was the first, and only, referendum in the history of the Soviet Union, which was dissolved on 26 December 1991.


1 Result

1.1 In participating republics

1.2 In republics not participating to the Soviet referendums

2 Additional questions

2.1 Kyrgyz SSR

2.2 Ukrainian SSR

2.3 Uzbek SSR

3 See also

4 References

Choice  Votes  %  
For 113,512,812 77.8
Against 32,303,977 22.2
Invalid/blank votes 2,757,817 –
Total 148,574,606 100
Registered voters/turnout 185,647,355 80.0
Source: Nohlen & Stöver[6]

In participating republics
Republic  For  Against  Invalid
votes  Total
votes  Registered
voters  Turnout  
Votes  %  Votes  %  
Republic of Azerbaijan 2,709,246 94.12 169,225 5.88 25,326 2,903,797 3,866,659 75.10
Byelorussian SSR 5,069,313 83.72 986,079 16.28 71,591 6,126,983 7,354,796 83.31
Kazakh SSR 8,295,519 95.00 436,560 5.00 84,464 8,816,543 9,999,433 88.17
Kirghiz SSR 2,057,971 95.98 86,246 4.02 30,377 2,174,593 2,341,646 92.87
Russian SFSR 56,860,783 73.00 21,030,753 27.00 1,809,633 79,701,169 105,643,364 75.44
Tajik SSR 2,315,755 96.85 75,300 3.15 16,497 2,407,552 2,549,096 94.45
Turkmen SSR 1,766,584 98.26 31,203 1.74 6,531 1,804,310 1,846,310 97.66
Ukrainian SSR 22,110,899 71.48 8,820,089 28.52 583,256 31,514,244 37,732,178 83.52
Uzbek SSR 9,196,848 94.73 511,373 5.27 108,112 9,816,333 10,287,938 95.42
Source: Direct Democracy

A boycott campaign reduced the Against votes in Western Ukraine.[7]

In republics not participating to the Soviet referendums
First, it must be noted an official referendum had been held in Estonia on 3 March 1991 whether to re-establish the Estonian republic that had been occupied by the Soviet Union in 1940. The result was 77.8% in favour of re-establishing the Estonian republic.[8]Also Latvia held an official referendum on 3 March 1991 where the overwhelming majority voted to re-establish the independent Latvian republic.[9]

Consequently, in these republics pro-Soviet front-organisations organised voluntary referendums without official sanction.[10][11] Turnout of voting here was considerably less than 50% of the franchised voters of these countries, but this information was not included in the official statement of the Central Commission of the Referendum of USSR.[12]

Republic  For  Against  Invalid
votes  Total
votes  Registered
voters  Turnout  
Votes  %  Votes  %  
Republic of Armenia 2,541 72.46 966 27.54 42 3,549 4,923 72.09
Republic of Georgia[13] 43,950 99.98 9 0.02 53 44,012 45,696 96.31
Republic of Estonia 211,090 95.46 10,040 4.54 1,110 222,240 299,681 74.16
Republic of Latvia 415,147 95.84 18,015 4.16 3,621 436,783 670,828 65.11
Republic of Lithuania 496,050 99.13 4,355 0.87 970 436,783 582,262 86.11
SSR Moldova 688,905 98.72 8,916 1.28 3,072 700,893 841,507 83.29
Source: Direct Democracy

Additional questions
In several of the republics, additional questions were added to the ballot. In Russia, an additional question was asked on whether elective post of the president of the Russian SFSR should be created. In Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan the additional question was on the sovereignty of their republics as part of a new union.[2]

Kyrgyz SSR
In the Kyrgyz SSR, voters were also asked "Do you agree that the Republic of Kyrgyzstan should be in the renewed Union as a sovereign republic with equal rights?" It was approved by 62.2% of voters, although turnout was only 81.7%, compared to 92.9% in the Union-wide referendum.[14]

Choice  Votes  %  
Invalid/blank votes

Source: Nohlen et al.

Ukrainian SSR
In the Ukrainian SSR, voters were also asked "Do you agree that Ukraine should be part of a Union of Soviet sovereign states on the basis on the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine?"[15] The proposal was approved by 81.7% of voters.[15]

Choice  Votes  %  
For 25,224,687 81.7
Against 5,655,701 18.3
Invalid/blank votes 584,703 –
Total 31,465,091 100
Registered voters/turnout 37,689,767 83.5
Source: Nohlen & Stöver

Uzbek SSR
In the Uzbek SSR, voters were also asked "Do you agree that Uzbekistan should remain part of a renewed Union (federation) as a sovereign republic with equal rights?" It was approved by 94.9% of voters, with a turnout of 95.5%.[1]

Choice  Votes  %  
Invalid/blank votes
Total 9,824,304 100
Source: Nohlen et al.

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