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伊拉克示威群众冲击破坏美国大使馆,抗议美国空袭暴行 [复制链接]

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2020-1-1 03:47:01 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
本帖最后由 远航一号 于 2020-1-2 01:15 编辑



Donald J. Trump

Iran killed an American contractor, wounding many. We strongly responded, and always will. Now Iran is orchestrating an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Iraq. They will be held fully responsible. In addition, we expect Iraq to use its forces to protect the Embassy, and so notified!

11:02 PM - Dec 31, 2019
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This morning, the crowds drew closer to the single wall separating them and the larger diplomatic compound, setting US flags on fire and eventually the wall of the compound itself.  

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A picture shows the burnt entrance of the US embassy in Baghdad, where people usually go through security scanners to enter, on New Year's Day. Furious demonstrators descended on the consulate yesterday in retaliation for US air strikes that killed 25 militants of Kataeb Hezbollah on Sunday night

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A woman takes a photo of the burnt entrance of the US embassy in the Iraqi capital Baghdad after yesterday's ferocious scenes. Renewed demonstrations were taking place today after President Donald Trump sent reinforcements to the mission

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Yesterday's riot, which included smashing through the embassy's security area, setting fires around the complex and hurling rocks, ended in a camp being set up outside the consulate (pictured: a man inspects the wreckage today)

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This morning, the crowds drew closer to the single wall separating them and the larger diplomatic compound, setting US flags on fire and eventually the wall of the compound itself (pictured: a man moves the wrecked entrance today)

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Fire damage can be seen in a reception room of the U.S. embassy compound, that was burned by pro-Iranian militiamen and their supporters, in Baghdad, Iraq

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A firefighter extinguishes a flame on the entrance of the US embassy in the Iraqi capital Baghdad on Wednesday

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Members of Iraqi Shiite 'Popular Mobilization Forces' armed group and their supporters attack the entrance of the US Embassy in Baghdad on Tuesday

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Smoke billowing from the embassy's entrance yesterday after it was set alight by the rioters

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US Marines fired tear gas at the Iran-backed militia and their supporters early on Wednesday as the siege outside the US embassy in Baghdad continued for a second day. Iraqi flags were seen being flown, as well as the yellow of Kataeb Hezbollah






Secretary Pompeo

We responded defensively to the Iranian proxy attack that killed an American citizen and wounded American and Iraqi soldiers. Now, Iranian backed groups are threatening our Embassy in Baghdad.

1:41 AM - Jan 1, 2020
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美国参议员马可?卢比奥(Marco Rubio)也在推特上说,伊朗对美国驻伊拉克大使馆遇袭事件负有直接责任,必须被追究责任。

Marco Rubio

#Iran is directly responsible for orchestrating the storming of the US Embassy in #Iraq & must be held accountable for it & the safety of every American serving there.

9:36 PM - Dec 31, 2019
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美国国会参议员汤姆?科顿(Tom Cotton)说,上周,当一个由伊朗支持的民兵在伊拉克杀死一名美国人时,得到了(美国)坚定的回应。“现在,我们在巴格达的大使馆又遭到了另一个鲁莽升级的袭击。正如总统所说,伊朗必须对此承担责任。”


路透社说,数千人周二攻击美国大使馆,抗议美国周末发动的空袭。美军29日在伊拉克西部发动空袭,目标是“人民动员”民兵(Hashed al-Shaabi)旗下的强硬派团体“真主党旅”(Kataeb Hezbollah)的基地。伊拉克安全部门和真主党民兵组织的消息说,美国在伊拉克进行三次空袭,至少有25名伊朗支持的真主党民兵组织武装人员被打死,至少55人受伤。



美国国务卿蓬佩奥、国防部长马克?埃斯珀(Mark Esper)和美国参谋长联席会议主席马克?米尔利将军(Mark Milley)一起对空袭发表评论。埃斯珀说,川普总统被告知,可能需要采取进一步军事应对措施。

“我们与他(川普)讨论了可用的其它选择”,埃斯珀说, “我还要指出,我们将采取必要的其它行动,以确保我们采取自卫行动,并阻止(真主党)民兵组织或伊朗采取进一步的不良行径。”#


使用道具 举报

Rank: 8Rank: 8

发表于 2020-1-2 01:14:26 |只看该作者

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