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2013-10-18 01:15| 发布者: 赤旗| 查看: 2413| 评论: 13|原作者: 释放吴贵军!|来自: chinaworker.info

摘要: 10月23日在世界各地的数个城市将举行国际抗议活动以呼吁释放吴贵军和抗议将工人维权斗争入罪。在科伦坡、加尔各答、香港和柏林,社会主义者和劳工活动分子计划将此案昭示给中国当局、本地媒体和工会组织。








中国各地的工人,特别是在沿海省份一带,都面临着类似的困难境地。一波工厂倒闭和搬迁的浪潮引发大量拖欠工资和赔偿的纠纷,在数个案例中为逃避支付工资和其他责任,老板们甚至弃厂潜逃。因此吴贵军案也是用来检验中国工人权利状况和不断增长的地方当局将抗议活动刑事入罪趋势的经典案例。而这一事件发生在广东省也尤为重要,——因为以前广东省被视为比中国其他省份对公众抗议更为宽容。在中国劳工论坛(chinaworker.info)报道的另一案例中,今年八月十二名保安在广东省省会广州市的某医院进行集体抗议期间被捕,他们也面临类似的刑事指控。毫不奇怪,这些案件正吸引到国际工会运动越来越多的关注(遗憾的是到现在为止他们在组织团结声援遭到超额剥削的中国工人方面做得还远远不够)。数家工会和国际组织已经开始转发要求释放吴贵军的请愿书,例如国际食品、农业、旅馆、餐厅、餐饮、烟草联合工人协会(国际食品劳联 IUF)已发起相关的呼吁。








“Release Wu Guijun” – protests around the world on 23 October

Shenzhen factory workers’ representative held by police for five months


On Wednesday 23 October, Wu Guijun, a migrant worker in Shenzhen, will have been held in police detention for five months. Wu has only very recently been formally charged. For months he was denied contact with his lawyer. Wu’s real ‘crime’ was to be elected along with several other workers to represent the workforce at the Diweixin Product Factory in Shenzhen, a huge city in southern China’s Guangdong province, in negotiations with management over severance terms following the company’s decision to relocate to Huizhou.

International protests will take place on 23 October in several cities around the world to call for Wu’s release and protest the criminalisation of workers’ struggle which this case highlights. From Colombo and Calcutta to Hong Kong and Berlin, socialists and labour activists are planning to take this case to the Chinese authorities, local media and trade union bodies. This initiative from chinaworker.info is intended to increase pressure on the Shenzhen authorities to release Wu and cease the persecution of workers exercising their basic rights to strike, organise and demonstrate.

In early May this year, around 300 workers at the Diweixin Product Factory in Shenzhen’s Baoan district, which manufactures household products, took strike action in protest at the management’s refusal to follow the terms of China’s revised  Labour Contract Law in respect of its decision to close down the Shenzhen plant. The law states that workers should receive compensation at the rate of one month’s salary for every completed year of service. The Hong Kong-owned company is in breach of this law.

Mass arrests

Frustrated over management intransigence, the Diweixin workers decided to march to the district government offices on 23 May, to petition officials to step into the conflict and enforce the law. But instead, police carried out mass arrests at this demonstration, later releasing most of the workers. The police seem to have decided to make an example of Wu Guijun to deter other workers from waging similar protests that are deemed a threat to “stability”. The police crackdown was a cruel blow to the Diweixin workers’ struggle, and most workers subsequently accepted the management’s very low offer of just 400 yuan for each year of service (far below the legally stipulated level).

Workers across China, especially in the coastal provinces, are facing similar difficulties with a wave of factory closures and relocations, disputes over wage arrears and severance pay, and several cases of bosses absconding without paying wages and other entitlements. The case of Wu Guijun is therefore a test case for workers’ rights in China and the growing trend of local authorities criminalising protest. It is also significant that this happening in Guangdong province – previously regarded as more tolerant of public protests than other provinces in China. In another case, as reported on chinaworker.info, a dozen security guards at a major hospital in Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong province, were arrested during a protest in August and may face similar criminal charges. Not surprisingly, these cases are attracting growing attention from the international trade union movement (which unfortunately has until now not done enough to organise solidarity for super-exploited Chinese workers). Several trade unions and their international coordinating bodies are circulating petitions demanding Wu’s release, as in this example initiated by the International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco and Allied Workers’ Associations (IUF).

A five-year jail sentence?

According to the personal blog of Wu’s lawyer, the public security bureau transferred the case to the prosecutor’s office in September. Formal charges have finally been filed against Wu Guijun for “gathering a crowd” and “causing a traffic disturbance”, which could lead to a jail term of up to five years. Wu is 40 years old and supports two children and his elderly parents. His arrest and possible imprisonment will cause severe hardship for his family. His wife, also a migrant worker in Shenzhen, is now the sole income earner on a typical migrant worker’s monthly salary of 2,000 yuan. Despite these hardships, through his lawyer Wu declared: “If I must go to jail for standing up for the rights of my fellow workers, I am ready to take this responsibility”.

The Diweixin company, headquartered in Kwun Tong, Hong Kong, has adopted brutal tactics against its Shenzhen workforce throughout the course of this dispute. While refusing to increase their offer of compensation, management insisted on filming negotiations with the workers’ representatives. This was clearly aimed at intimidating workers, with some success. Several of the workers’ representatives withdrew in fear of reprisals, but not Wu himself. The workers’ movement in China is filled with such examples of everyday courage. The same cannot be said of the official government-run trade union, ACFTU, which has so far not uttered a word on this case. This is despite a petition from Diweixin workers to the Shenzhen office of the ACFTU asking them to take up the case. The first such letter was presented in September after Wu had been in detention for 100 days. Another petition letter, this one signed by several hundred workers and their supporters, was given to the ACFTU officials this week.

To sign chinaworker.info’s protest letter to Chinese authorities follow this link.

To participate in the international protest day on 23 October, check activities for your local area or let us know about your plans – see our facebook page.

Free Wu Guijun!
Stop the criminalisation of workers’ struggle in China!
For the right to strike and independent trade unions!
Solidarity with Chinese workers!







刚表态过的朋友 (11 人)



引用 zxt 2013-10-18 15:29
引用 signal 2013-10-18 15:02
裆中央: 本网中比较活跃的大多数都 视而不见 ,比如 远航一号、 反毛者、 胖子、几个编辑 、singal 等等  这些人明里暗里都是 拥护体制的,最爱说 “挽救中华民族 ”、拥 ...

• 罢工代表吴贵军事件与当代中国工人运动的困局和深度思考

引用 编辑 删除  signal 2013-10-17 09:28 工运还是属于自发性,核心力量没有,加上遍地特务,一人被抓,运动很容易流产。当然这是表面的观察。
一般来讲,军警抓人都预先盯上了你,并搜集了你的材料,确信你是要打击的目标。领导工人斗争需要经验,机警。. 引用  zxt 2013-10-17 05:49 既然有资本家,就要在宪法上争回罢工权. 引用  反毛者乃畜生 2013-10-17 01:21 广东为什么暴乱多,因为走法律途径根本走不通,这就是个现成的例子 ...
引用 caremoon 2013-10-18 11:43
裆中央: 本网中比较活跃的大多数都 视而不见 ,比如 远航一号、 反毛者、 胖子、几个编辑 、singal 等等  这些人明里暗里都是 拥护体制的,最爱说 “挽救中华民族 ”、拥 ...
引用 caremoon 2013-10-18 11:40

引用 赤旗 2013-10-18 11:14


@吴大哥被关押已经超过145,作为家庭经济支柱,他上有贫病高堂,下有待哺幼儿,他的家人除了承受着恐惧,还有庞大经济压力。因此,我们发起募捐行动,支持他家人的生活,藉此表达支持。请大家集合捐款,一次过打进去他妻子的银行户口内 开户人:周玉芝,帐户号码是:6013 8220 0091 0012 999,中国银行沙井蚝乡支行
引用 nina 2013-10-18 10:17
引用 裆中央 2013-10-18 07:51
本网中比较活跃的大多数都 视而不见 ,比如 远航一号、 反毛者、 胖子、几个编辑 、singal 等等

这些人明里暗里都是 拥护体制的,最爱说 “挽救中华民族 ”、拥护 重庆style ,他们的最终底线是 有人摘 共产党的牌子 ,其他 一概不管。
引用 共产主义马前卒 2013-10-18 06:39
引用 吴为 2013-10-18 05:53
引用 爱我中华99999 2013-10-18 05:24
引用 吴为 2013-10-18 03:53
引用 爱我中华99999 2013-10-18 03:26
网站就应该搞这些实实在在的对现实斗争有用,不要一天到晚理论 理论,到头来就是空对空!!!
引用 远航一号 2013-10-18 00:10



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