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2013-12-20 22:39| 发布者: 龙翔五洲| 查看: 791| 评论: 0|原作者: 环球时报|来自: 环球时报

摘要: 《环球时报》一篇评论文章的标题《决不把中国的议程设置权交给西方媒体》似乎对中国决策者中蔓延的焦虑情绪表现出了惊人的坦率。这家民族主义的日报是共产党党报《人民日报》的子报。


时间:2013-12-20 08:15来源: 作者:环球时报 点击: 197 次
  文章提供 于 2013-12-19 13:9:12

  这显然是对担忧的一种承认,而引发它的则是托马斯·L·弗里德曼(Thomas L. Friedman)上周末在《纽约时报》上发表的一篇题为《致习近平主席的一封信》的专栏文章。在这篇文章中,弗里德曼对习近平主席说:“我认为,您眼看着就要犯下一个极其可怕的错误了。”












  在中国最接近于市政厅的网络博客空间里搜索弗里德曼那篇文章引发的反应,广受欢迎的新浪微博上只出现了11条结果。这一结果有些出人意料,因为弗里德曼的著作《世界是平的》(The World Is Flat)在受过教育的中国精英阶层中广为人知,而这些人中许多都是微博用户。


  搜索英文关键词Thomas Friedman,只出现了两篇相关帖子,其中一条对他持批评态度。

  “一直不喜欢Thomas Friedman,”名为“thomasluo骆轶航”的微博用户写道,“如果你读过《世界是平的》,就会发现他根本不希望资源的全世界分布,他满脑子都是诸如‘中国人和印度人抢了美国人工作’之类的腐朽念头。这次致信中国国家元首虽事出有因,但威胁驱逐中国记者实现对等报复也暴露了他混蛋的一面——美国政府从来不像左翼文人那么傻逼。”






  附:环球时报回应原文:China can't cede agenda-setting to Western media

  Columnist Thomas L. Friedman of The New York Times has written an open letter to the Chinese president, demanding China remove the block on Bloomberg's website, and some Chinese-language websites of mainstream Western media such as the NYT and The Wall Street Journal. He also requested visa renewal for correspondents of the NYT and Bloomberg. Their sensitive reports, according to Friedman, are "a warning heart attack."

  This is not the first time that Friedman has written such a letter. More than two years ago, he wrote to the then Chinese leader under the name of China's State Security Ministry about what the Arab Spring could offer China.

  Western journalists often express their incomprehension toward China's Internet regulations from their own perspectives. The influence of mainstream Western media in China has been declining. Their survival and influence in the West has also been squeezed by the Internet, which worries them.

  In the past two years, with the development of China's Internet and the public's wider participation in the country's political affairs, many mainstream Western media have been trying to make breakthroughs from topics that the Chinese public is most concerned about. They would create quite a stir or directly set China's political agenda. If successful, they will be at the center of China's public opinion sphere.

  No matter if these reports are the result of Western journalists' individual impulse, or collective efforts of the newsroom, they highly conform to the West's strategy in interfering China's political agenda-setting and future policy orientation.

  Friedman supposedly understands China well. He should have known that information security is among China's core security concerns. China is willing to communicate with the world, but it won't yield its own agenda-setting rights to the Western media.

  Friedman should understand that Chinese authorities are breaching their duty if they allow Western media to work in China unchecked.

  In the letter, Friedman strongly emphasized the importance of letting Western media participate in information communication in China. But Western media have never left China. They are sources from which many Chinese media outlets pluck information about the West. But we are clear where the traps could be.

  Information technology brought by the Internet has added the uncertainties in a society, which China needs time to adapt itself to. Many storms from the West created by the Internet are from within, which indicate that the West has also set boundaries for information flow. No country would allow its information gate open wide unguarded.

  China and the West may have further frictions over opinions which may evolve into diplomatic discord. Even so, China's stance should never change.

  China should have its own judgment. The Western media will have an advantage in public discourse for a long time and would like to become a force that can influence China. But they will be challenged by our wisdom and determination.

来源: 纽约时报









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