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方舟子被起诉啦——Inge Scott 的公开声明

2014-5-25 21:11| 发布者: 龙翔五洲| 查看: 590| 评论: 0|原作者: 顾秀林|来自: 乌有之乡

摘要: 小方大概没想到,他从英文博客上找一个癌症康复者又是反对转基因的,又挺活跃,就可以张冠李戴说 Inge 是小崔的“托儿”;他大概更没想到,Inge 还会顺藤摸瓜找到他,并且不依不饶地请了律师要正式起诉他。

方舟子被起诉啦——Inge Scott 的公开声明

作者:顾秀林 发布时间:2014-05-25 来源:乌有之乡 

  小方大概没想到,他从英文博客上找一个癌症康复者又是反对转基因的,又挺活跃,就可以张冠李戴说 Inge 是小崔的“托儿”;他大概更没想到,Inge 还会顺藤摸瓜找到他,并且不依不饶地请了律师要正式起诉他。其实 Inge 还是太善良,一个劲儿说:只要小方改邪归正,公开道个歉(向中国人民道歉),承认自己搞错了人、向中国读者撒了谎,就不起诉了。如果让我猜的话,我猜小方还是会“缩头”,真的被诉了嚰就玩“公民的不服从”就像他的搭档,饶毅那样。顺便说一下,我至今还没有起诉饶毅,就是因为他玩“公民的不服从”把我和律师笑死了。我们在手机电话上隔空大笑(北京--广东),然后决定,再等一等,呵呵。不久前又见到律师朋友,再次相对大笑,起诉么,不着急,随时都可以起的啦。——顾秀林


  The Slanderous and Scandalous John Maddox Prize Winner Fang Zhouzi Is Pursued

  My name is Inge Scott, living in the United States of America. This is a direct letter to Fang Zhouzi, also known as Fang Shi-min. Fang, I understand that you're spreading lies about my character to the Chinese people. You're telling the Chinese people I am a paid liar by Mr. Cui. You are saying that Mr. Cui has paid me a lot of money to spread lies about GMOs. You are telling the Chinese people that I and a woman in a video that claims she was healed by, from cancer, eating organic foods. You found my blog on the Internet, you read that I am a cancer survivor, you read that I am staying well because I eat organic foods, you read that I'm an activist against GMO foods in the United States, you read my blog that GMOs make me sick, therefore you decided that I am the woman in the video. If you have done a better job you would have noticed that I look completely different than the woman in the video. But even so I'm guessing that you don't care if we're two different women. Your agenda is to spread lies that the GMOs are good for people and it's just a big fat lie. But I don't care about that right now, I am angry that you were spreading lies to the Chinese people saying that I am lying and I'm being paid money by Mr. Cui. No one is paying me to say GMOs will make you sick. I do that for free every single day. I want you to publicly apologize to Mr. Cui and the Chinese people and tell them that you made a mistake, and you confused two women in the video that I'm making here, on my blog, and the woman in the supermarket. You have 7 days to do this. I want a public apology of you saying. You have seven days to do this. If you do not do this in seven days I will go to the United States Supreme Court to file a lawsuit against you. You are going to be sued by me. So I want you to do the right thing, and admit to the Chinese people you made a mistake and if you do not do that I am going to sue you. I’ve already hired an attorney, so I’m giving you one chance to do the right thing. Do it now.









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