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2014-8-8 22:52| 发布者: 龙翔五洲| 查看: 861| 评论: 2|原作者: 宋鸿兵|来自: 乌有之乡

摘要: 马航的黑匣子找到了,证据越来越确凿,而西方媒体的声音却越来越小,原本震撼世界的“俄罗斯是马航被击落的元凶”的超级声浪竟然不到三周就销声匿迹了。


作者:宋鸿兵 发布时间:2014-08-08 来源:乌有之乡 









  就在马航17被击落之前,飞机出现了一个奇怪的转弯动作,向左偏了14公里,这是最后的致命错误。有人怀疑是飞机GPS系统出了问题,当时美国-北约正在黑海进行电子战演习,所有波音飞机的自动导航系统(BUAP)都可以被特定国家远程控制,使飞行员驾驶失效,波音飞机的该“后门”最近刚被发现. 关于马航17最后向左偏离14公里还有另一种解释,那就是被Su-25的空空导弹R-60击中一侧引擎,导致飞机紧急左转,但飞机仍能挣扎着飞行,如果飞机迫降成功,那全飞机的人都能证实真相。显然有人非常惊恐,最终命令地面导弹终结了马航。乌克兰14日在附近部署了地空导弹和雷达,17日突然撤走。到目前为止,俄罗斯拿出的是可以核实时间、数据的官方证据,而且已交给欧盟审核;美国的证据不是基于社交网络的照片,就是源自私人公司的模糊卫星图片,官方证据没有。其实,美国当时至少有两颗卫星在出事地点上空,美国确凿证据肯定有,只是很可能非常不利于乌克兰,所以还是不拿为妙。

  乌克兰总理在马航事件仅一周后就莫名其妙地宣布辞职,这是出于政治斗争,还是担心纸里包不住火?时间上太巧合了。在越来越多的证据面前,美国不断退缩,从坚称“俄罗斯是马航事件的元凶”,到“乌东民兵可能误击马航,没有证据表明俄罗斯参与”,再到“俄罗斯制造了马航悲剧的客观环境”, 波音飞机的自动导航系统(BUAP)存在着“后门”,这当然是反恐的需要,在关键时刻,美国能够远程控制飞机,而剥夺飞行员的手动操作能力。这当然需要一定的条件,即在飞机附近区域存在着强大的电子战部署。这提出了一个有趣的问题,上一架的失联的马航航线附近,美国能够远程控制飞机吗?


(责编 玉表)







引用 ahjoe 2014-8-9 03:19
引用 ahjoe 2014-8-9 03:14


【环球网报道 记者 葛鹏】据马来西亚《新海峡时报》8月7日报道,美国情报部门已经得出结论,认为马航MH17是被空对空导弹击落,并认为袭击与乌克兰政府有关。





乌克兰在声明中说:“我们有证据证明MH17是被俄罗斯支持的恐怖分子以BUK-M1 SAM防空导弹(北约认为是SA-11)击落的,并且其操作人员也来自俄罗斯。这已经被我们的情报、拦截的恐怖分子通话信息及卫星图片所证实。”


作者: 新海峡时报(周.谷.箭.草) [219410:5535], 01:10:03 08/08/2014:
- 论剑谈棋 豪杰尽聚 - 华岳论坛 - http://washeng.net/


Malaysia, "New Straits Times" August 7, 2014 8:00 am

  KUALA LUMPUR: INTELLIGENCE analysts in the United States had already concluded that Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down by an air-to-air missile, and that the Ukrainian government had had something to do with it.

  This corroborates an emerging theory postulated by local investigators that the Boeing 777-200 was crippled by an air-to-air missile and finished off with cannon fire from a fighter that had been shadowing it as it plummeted to earth.

  In a damning report dated Aug 3, headlined “Flight 17 Shoot-Down Scenario Shifts”, Associated Press reporter Robert Parry said “some US intelligence sources had concluded that the rebels and Russia were likely not at fault and that it appears Ukrainian government forces were to blame”.

  This new revelation was posted on GlobalResearch, an independent research and media organisation.

  In a statement released by the Ukrainian embassy on Tuesday, Kiev denied that its fighters were airborne during the time MH17 was shot down. This follows a statement released by the Russian Defence Ministry that its air traffic control had detected Ukrainian Air Force activity in the area on the same day.

  They also denied all allegations made by the Russian government and said the country’s core interest was in ensuring an immediate, comprehensive, transparent and unbiased international investigation into the tragedy by establishing a state commission comprising experts from the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and Eurocontrol.

  “We have evidence that the plane was downed by Russian-backed terrorist with a BUK-M1 SAM system (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation reporting name SA-11) which, together with the crew, had been supplied from Russia. This was all confirmed by our intelligence, intercepted telephone conversations of the terrorists and satellite pictures.

  Parry’s conclusion also stemmed from the fact that despite assertions from the Obama administration, there has not been a shred of tangible evidence to support the conclusion that Russia supplied the rebels with the BUK-M1 anti-aircraft missile system that would be needed to hit a civilian jetliner flying at 33,000 feet.

  Parry also cited a July 29 Canadian Broadcasting Corporation interview with Michael Bociurkiw, one of the first Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) investigators to arrive at the scene of the disaster, near Donetsk.

  Bociurkiw is a Ukrainian-Canadian monitor with OSCE who, along with another colleague, were the first international monitors to reach the wreckage after flight MH17 was brought down over eastern Ukraine.

  In the CBC interview, the reporter in the video preceded it with: “The wreckage was still smouldering when a small team from the OSCE got there. No other officials arrived for days”.

  “There have been two or three pieces of fuselage that have been really pockmarked with what almost looks like machinegun fire; very, very strong machinegun fire,” Bociurkiw said in the interview.

  Parry had said that Bociurkiw’s testimony is “as close to virgin, untouched evidence and testimony as we’ll ever get. Unlike a black-box interpretation-analysis long afterward by the Russian, British or Ukrainian governments, each of which has a horse in this race, this testimony from Bociurkiw is raw, independent and comes from one of the two earliest witnesses to the physical evidence.

  “That’s powerfully authoritative testimony. Bociurkiw arrived there fast because he negotiated with the locals for the rest of the OSCE team, who were organising to come later,” Parry had said.

  Retired Lufthansa pilot Peter Haisenko had also weighed in on the new shootdown theory with Parry and pointed to the entry and exit holes centred around the cockpit.

  “You can see the entry and exit holes. The edge of a portion of the holes is bent inwards. These are the smaller holes, round and clean, showing the entry points most likely that of a 30mm caliber projectile.

  “The edge of the other, the larger and slightly frayed exit holes, show shreds of metal pointing produced by the same caliber projectiles. Moreover, it is evident that these exit holes of the outer layer of the double aluminum reinforced structure are shredded or bent — outwardly.”

  He deduced that in order to have some of those holes fraying inwardly, and the others fraying outwardly, there had to have been a second fighter firing into the cockpit from the airliner’s starboard side. This is critical, as no surface-fired missile (or shrapnel) hitting the airliner could possibly punch holes into the cockpit from both sides of the plane.

  “It had to have been a hail of bullets from both sides that brought the plane down. This is Haisenko’s main discovery. You can’t have projectiles going in both directions — into the left-hand-side fuselage panel from both its left and right sides — unless they are coming at the panel from different directions.

  “Nobody before Haisenko had noticed that the projectiles had ripped through that panel from both its left side and its right side. This is what rules out any ground-fired missile,” Parry had said.

《新海峡时报》(New Straits Times)是马来西亚最大的商业英文报纸,其前身为新加坡海峡时报吉隆坡版,名称来源于从古代起就很繁忙的船舶航线马六甲海峡,是全世界最古老的报纸之一,在马来西亚是具有权威性的报刊。 ...



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