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国际显学与批判思潮 ——国际毛主义研究六十年

2014-11-24 01:00| 发布者: 龙翔五洲| 查看: 3569| 评论: 1|原作者: 路克利|来自: 文史哲

摘要: 国际毛主义研究是西方了解中国共产党和中国的一个重要窗口。毛主义研究的学术话语影响力在增强。国际毛主义研究方兴未艾。毛主义又是一种在国际社会具有持续国际影响力社会批判思潮。
  [3]John K. Fairbank, The United States and China, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1948, p.26.
  [4]John K. Fairbank, The United States and China, p.260.
  [5]Benjamin I. Schwartz, “Summary,” Communism in China until the Rise of Mao Tse-tung, Harvard University, Ph.D. Thesis, 1950, p.234.
  [6]Karl A. Wittfogel, “The Legend of ‘Maoism’,” The China Quarterly, No. 1 (January-March 1960), p.73.
  [7]Tu Wei-ming, “Destructive Will and Ideological Holocaust: Maoism as a Source of Social Suffering in China,” Daedalus, Vol.125, No.1 (Winter 1996), p.178.
  [8]Benjamin I. Schwartz, Chinese Communism and the Rise of Mao, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1951, p.115.
  [9]Benjamin I. Schwartz, “China’s Developmental Experience, 1949-72,” Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science, Vol. 31, No. 1, China’s Developmental Experience (March 1973), p.22.
  [10]Benjamin I. Schwartz, Communism and China: Ideology in Flux, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1968, p.39
  [11]Benjamin I. Schwartz, “Summary”, Communism in China until the Rise of Mao Tse-tung, p.12.
  [12]John K. Fairbank, The United States and China, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1983, p.300.
  [13]Richard Lifton, Revolutionary Immortality: Mao Tsê-Tung and the Chinese Cultural Revolution, Random House,1968, p. 39
  [14]John G. Gurley, Challengers to Capitalism: Marx, Lenin, Stalin, and Mao, New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1979, p.181.
  [15]John K. Fairbank, Merle Goldman, China: A New History, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2006, pp. 395, 326.
  [16]Benjamin I. Schwartz, China and Other Matters, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1996, p.207.
  [18]John K. Fairbank, Merle Goldman, China: A New History, p.321.
  [20]Karl A. Wittfogel, “The Historical Position of Communist China: Doctrine and Reality,” The Review of Politics, Vol.16, No.4 (October 1954), p.464.
  [21]Benjamin I.Schwartz, “On the ‘Originality’ of Mao Tse-tung,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 34, No. 1 (October 1955), p.73.
  [22]John K. Fairbank, The United States and China, p. 300.
  [23]Karl A. Wittfogel, “Peking’s ‘Independence’,” The New Leader (July 20-27, 1959), p.17.
  [24]Benjamin I. Schartz, “Mao Tse-tung and Communist Theory,” The New Leader, April 4, 1960, p.21.
  [25]Karl A. Wittfogel, “Lennin and Mao Tze-dong,” The New Leader, April 11, 1960, p.21.
  [26]Roderick MacFarquhar, “Editor’s Note,” China Quarterly, No.1 (January-March 1960), p.72.
  [27]Benjamin I.Schartz, “Stalinism or Chineseness,” Problems of Communism, September-October, 1966, p.18.
  [28]Richard M. Pfeffer, “Mao and Marx in the Marxist-Leninist Tradition: A Critique of ‘The China Field’ and a Contribution to a Preliminary Reappraisal,” Modern China, Vol.2, No.4 (October 1976), p. 423.
  [29]Andrew Walder, “Marxism, Maoism and Social Change,” Modern China, Vol.3, No.1 (January 1977), p.102
  [30]John G. Gurley, “The Symposium Papers: Discussion and Comments,” Modern China, Vol.3, No.4 (October 1977), pp. 456, 463.
  [32]Haseeb Ahmed and Chris Cutrone, “The Occupy Movement, a Renascent Left, and Marxism Today: An Interview with Slavoj Žižek,” The Platypus Review, Issue 42 (December 2011-January 2012), p.2.
  [33]Roderick MacFarquhar, The Founding of The China Quarterly, The China Quarterly, No. 143 (September 1995), p. 693.
  [34]Benjamin I. Schwartz, China’s Developmental Experience, 1949-72 , Proceedings of the Academy of Political Science, Vol. 31, No. 1, China’s Developmental Experience (March 1973), p.20.
  [36]See Benjamin I. Schwartz, Chinese Communism and the Rise of Mao, pp.202-204.
  [37]Franz Schurmann, Ideology and Organization in Communist China, University of California Press, 1968, p.33.
  [38]David Mclellan, Marxism after Marx, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, p.258.
  [39]Vladimir Glebov, Maoism: Slogans and Practices, Moscow: Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, 1978, p.8.
  [40]Richard Wolin, The Wind from the East: French Intellectuals, the Cultural Revolution, and the Legacy of 1960’s, Princeton University Press, 2010, p.33.
  [41]Louis Althuser, For Marx, Verso, 2005, p.94.
  [42]Prologue by Alain Badiou included in Mao Tse-tung, On Contradiction, Marid, Brumaria, 2012.
  [43]Slavoj Zizek, On Practice and Contradiction, Verso, 2007, p.19.
  [44]Norman Levine, Dialogue within the Dialectics, London: Gorge Allen & Unwin, 1984, pp.317-347.
  [45]Arif Dirlik, Marxism in the Chinese Revolution, Rowman & Littlefield, 2005, p.86.
  [46]Slavoj Zizek, On Practice and Contradiction, Verso, 2007, p.6.
  [47]Benjamin I. Schwartz, Communism and China: Ideology in Flux, p.39.
  [48]Benjamin Schwarz, Modernisation and the Maoist Vision—Some Reflections on Chinese Communist Goals, The China Quarterly, Volume 21, March 1965, p.11
  [49]Benjamin I. Schwartz, “The Intelligentsia in Communist China: A Tentative Comparison,” Daedalus, Vol.89, No.3, The Russian Intelligentsia (Summer 1960), p.616.
  [50]John K. Fairbank, The United States and China, p. 299.
  [51]Benjamin I. Schwartz, “Ch'ên Tu-Hsiu and the Acceptance of the Modern West,” Journal of the History of Ideas, Vol.12, No.1 (January 1951), p.71.
  [52]Benjamin I. Schwartz, Chinese Communism and the Rise of Mao, p.191.
  [53]Benjamin I. Schwartz, “The Essence of Marxism Revisited: A Response,” Modern China, Vol.2, No.4 (October 1976), p. 461.
  [56]John K. Fairbank, The United States and China, Harvard University Press, 1983, p. 55.
  [57]John K. Fairbank, The United States and China, Harvard University Press, 1983,p. 53.
  [58]Joseph R. Levenson. Confucian China and its Modern Fate: a Trilogy, University of California Press, 1968, p.xvii.
  [59]Benjamin I. Schwartz, “The Legend of the ‘Legend of “Maoism”’”, The China Quarterly, No.2 (April-June 1960), p. 35.
  [60]Stuart R. Schram, The Political Thought of Mao Tse-tung, New York: Frederick A. Praeger, 1963, p. 112.
  [61]Stuart Schram, Ideology and Policy since the Plenum, 1978-1984, London, 1984, p.80.
  [62]John K. Fairbank, “Keeping up with the New China”, New York Book Review, March 16, 1989.
  [63]John K. Fairbank, Edwin Reischauer, China: Tradition & Transformation, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1978, p.494.
  [64]John K. Fairbank, Edwin Reischauer, China: Tradition & Transformation, p.428.
  [66]Edward Friedman, “The Future of Maoism by Samir Amin,” The China Quarterly, No.97 (March 1984), p.143.
  [67]Benjamin Schwartz, Chinese Communism and the Rise of Mao, p.115.
  [68]John K. Fairbank, The United States and China, p.298.
  [69]Ezra F. Vogel, “From Revolutionary to Semi-Bureaucrat: The ‘Regulation’ of Cadres,” The China Quarterly, No.29 (January-March 1967), p.60.
  [70]See David E. Apter, Tony Saich, Revolutionary Discourse in Mao’s Republic, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1998, pp.18, 16, 13, 69, 16, 73, 33.
  [71]Benjamin I. Schwartz, “The Reign of Virtue: Some Broad Perspectives on Leader and Party in the Cultural Revolution,” The China Quarterly, No.35 (July-September 1968), pp.17, 14.
  [72]David Mclellan, Marxism after Marx, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, p.259.
  [73]Edward Friedman, “Democracy and Mao Fever,” Journal of Contemporary China, Volume 3, Issue 6, 1994.
  [74]Francis Fukuyama, “The End of History? ”, The National Interest, Summer, 1989.
  [75]Francis Fukuyama, “China Is Looking to Its Dynamic Past to Shape Its Future,” Financial Times, July 12, 2011.
  [76]Ross Terrill, Mao: A Biography, Stanford University Press, 1999, p. 477.
  [77]胡锦涛:《高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜 为夺取全面建设小康社会新胜利而奋斗——在中国共产党第十七次全国代表大会上的报告》,2007年10月15日。
  [78]David Mclellan, Marxism after Marx, Palgrave Macmillan, 2007, p.259
  [79]Alexander C. Cook, “The Third World Maoism,” in Timothy Cheek, A Critical Introduction to Mao, Cambridge University Press, 2010, p.311.
  [80]Richard Wolin, The Wind from the East: French Intellectuals, the Cultural Revolution, and the Legacy of 1960’s, Princeton University Press, 2010, p.2.
  [81]Richard Wolin, The Wind from the East: French Intellectuals, the Cultural Revolution, and the Legacy of 1960’s, Princeton University Press, 2010, p.2.
  [82]See Richard Wolin, The Wind from the East: French Intellectuals, the Cultural Revolution, and the Legacy of 1960’s, Princeton University Press, 2010, pp.2, xii.
  [83]Edward Friedman, “Einstein and Mao: Metaphors of Revolution”, The China Quarterly, No.93 (March 1983), p.52.
  [84]John K. Fairbank, The United States and China, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1958, p.313.
  [85]John K. Fairbank, Trade and Diplomacy on the China Coast: the Opening of the Treaty Ports, 1842-1854, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1964, p.176.
  [86]John K. Fairbank, The Great Chinese Revolution, 1800-1985. New York: Harper and Row, 1986, p.287.
  [87]John K. Fairbank, Edwin O. Reischauer, China: Tradition & Transformation, Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1978, p.441.
  [88]M. Foucault, L’Archéologie du savoir, Paris: Éditions Gallimard, 1969.
  [89]David E. Apter, “Yan’an and the Narrative Reconstruction of Reality,” Daedalus, Vol.122, No.2, China in Transformation (Spring 1993), p.208.
  [90]David E. Apter, Tony Saich, Revolutionary Discourse in Mao’s Republic, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1998, pp.26, xi, 35.
  [91]Pierre Budiou, translation by Richard Nice, Outline of a Theory of Practice, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977, p.179.
  [92]David E. Apter, Tony Saich, Revolutionary Discourse in Mao’s Republic, p.114.
  [93]David E. Apter, Tony Saich, Revolutionary Discourse in Mao’s Republic, pp.303, 69.
  [94]Franz Schurmann, Ideology and Organization in Communist China, p.3.
  [95]Franz Schurmann, Ideology and Organization in Communist China, pp.7, 8.
  [96]Franz Schurmann, Ideology and Organization in Communist China, pp.22-24.
  [97]Benjamin I. Schwartz, Chinese Communism and the Rise of Mao, p.2.
  [99]Fredric Jameson, “Periodizing the 60s,” Social Text, No. 9/10, 1984, p.180.
  [100]Slavoj Zizek, On Practice and Contradiction, Verso, 2007, p. 28.
  [101]Fox Butterfield, “Benjamin Schwartz, 82, Dies; Expert on Mao’s Revolution,” New York Times, November 18, 1999.
  [102]Benjamin I. Schwartz, “Totalitarian, Consolidation and the Chinese Model,” The China Quarterly, No.1 (January-March 1960), p.19.
  [103] Benjamin I. Schwartz, Chinese Communism and the Rise of Mao, p.5.
  [104]Bob Avakian, “Making Revolution and Emancipating Humanity”, “The New Synthesis”, Revolution, No.112, December 16, 2007.







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