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2020-12-23 00:00| 发布者: 龙翔五洲| 查看: 3305| 评论: 0|原作者: 刘子旭|来自: 文艺理论与批评

摘要: 在电子媒体的早期历史中形成的结构和模式仍然主导着所有“新”媒体形式的内在逻辑和运作方式,而这一社会现实一方面决定了在研究电子媒体的过程中产生出的各种理论仍然不同程度地适用于今天的数字媒体




  从1912年开始,法律的力量开始介入新的传播媒介来解决各种利益冲突,其结果是在发明广播的过程中起着重要作用的小型创业者和业余爱好者被边缘化,他们所主张的不受限制的波谱也被彻底抛弃。不难看出,1912—27年的广播相关政策都背叛了美国传统的自由主义意识形态,个人主义、自由市场与财产权并未真正得到贯彻,直到大公司的垄断地位充分确立之后,这些意识形态话语才作为垄断的合法性依据高调登场,但创业者与业余爱好者在无线电领域的个体权利却并未被纳入其中;而且,在确立大型商业公司的统治地位的过程中,公共与私有的界限被有意无意地混淆,私人公司成为“公共利益”的代言。这些事件所代表的是一种政治成就,它们既非经济力量的自然结果,也不是大型组织对个人的简单胜利。它们反映的是一种商业组织、技术应用和国家行为相交织的特殊格局,斯特里特认为,这一格局是商业自由主义(corporate liberalism)的特征:大商业私有部门与公共部门合作,小商业被贬至次要地位,草根的、非营利行为被推至边缘。62



  1920 年代的无线电广播听众



  对于政策制定者而言,关于商业广播的最初设想其实并不是纯粹由广告支持的广播,而是类似今天PBS(Public Broadcasting Services,美国公共电视网)那种商业资助下“品味高雅”的广播体系。根据麦克切斯尼的记录,时任商务部长的胡佛就曾经反复警告要避免令人反感的直接广告,甚至在1924年建议用2%的收音机销售税来支付与节目相关的费用;64斯特里特还挖掘出,在第三次无线电会议上,胡佛曾经说过:“我认为,毁掉广播的最快的方法就是把它用于直接广告。报纸的读者可以选择读或者不读广告,但如果把总统演说像三明治的肉一样夹在两个专利药品的广告中间,那就没有广播可言了”65;1928年,FRC宣布“美国政府给予广播公司这些特权首先并不是为了让广告商得利益,广告商从中获得的利益必须是次要的,并且完全在公共利益之下66。”


  最后,虽然在波段分配方面,商业广播获得了统治(dominant)地位,但距离令人信服的霸权(hegemonic)地位尚有很大的距离。实际上,这一时期广播公司的主要收入尚且不是来自广告,而是来自出售收音机获得的利润,完全依靠广告支持的广播电台不仅数量上远不及其他类型(参见注释57),根据麦克切斯尼的研究,其所占市场份额也不过3.4%,69在商业广播以精良设备占据清晰频道的形势下,绝大多数听众却仍被业余爱好者广播和非盈利广播的节目所吸引,其倾向性一目了然。虽然1927年广播法案确定了商业垄断的政策和走向,但现实中,广告支持的商业模式在扩张过程中遭到来自民间(非盈利广播、业余爱好者,特别是听众)的强烈反对,大约经过6—7年的激烈斗争和法律诉讼,直到1934年的《传播法案》(Communications Act of 1934)颁布,广告为中心的商业广播才彻底击败了公共广播,迎来了“历史的终结”,获得了经济、法律和文化上的全面统治地位,限于篇幅,这只能是另外一篇论文的内容了。


  1    例如Christian Fuchs, Digital Labour and Karl Marx, New York: Routledge, 2014; Christian Fuchs, Culture and Economy in the Age of Social Media, New York: Routledge, 2015。关于斯麦兹的理论,参见Dalas Smythe,“Communications: Blindspot of Western Marxism”, in Canadian Journal of Political and Social Theory, 1977, vol. 1, no.3; Dalas Smythe, Dependency Road, Norwood, NJ: Ablex,1980。

  2    参见刘子旭:《观看阶级:电视广告的政治经济学分析》,黄纪苏、祝东力主编:《艺术手册:未来生长点》,中国电影出版社2014年版,第128—143页。

  3    N.Z.Janus, The Making of the Global Consumer: Transnational Advertising and the Mass Media in Latin America,Unpublished Ph.D Dissertation, Stanford University, 1980.

  4    参见Edward Herman and Robert McChesney, The Global Media:

  the new missionaries ofcorporate capitalism, Washington: Cassell, 1997。

  5    Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: A Critiqueof the Policy of Commercial Broadcasting in the United States, Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1996, p.63.

  6    Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: A Critiqueof the Policy of Commercial Broadcasting in the United States, p.64.

  7    Susan Douglas, Inventing American Broadcasting, 1899-1922, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1987,p.207.

  8    Ibid., p.195, 198.

  9    Ibid., p.206.

  10  Ibid., pp.203-205.

  11  Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: A Critique of the Policy of Commercial Broadcasting in the United States, p.65.

  12  Susan Douglas, Inventing American Broadcasting, 1899-1922, p.206.

  13  Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: A Critiqueof the Policy of Commercial Broadcasting in the United States, p.65.

  14  如John R. Bittner, Broadcasting and Telecommunication: An Introduction, Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1985, p.65; Erik Barnouw, A Tower inBabel: A History of Broadcasting in the United States to 1933, New York: Oxford University Press, 1966, p.20。

  15  Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: A Critique of the Policy of Commercial Broadcasting in the United States, p.23.

  16  Susan Douglas, Inventing American Broadcasting, 1899-1922, p.172.

  17  美国无线电公司(RCA)总裁,美国全国广播公司(NBC)创始人,被称为“美国无线电和电视广播之父”。

  18  参见S.W.Head, T.Spann and M.A. McGregor, Broadcasting in America: A Survey of Electronic Media. 9th ed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company,2001, pp.23-24。

  19  Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: A Critiqueof the Policy of Commercial Broadcasting in the United States, pp.71-72.

  20  Susan Douglas, Inventing American Broadcasting, 1899-1922, p.101.

  21  Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: A Critique of the Policy of Commercial Broadcasting in the United States, p.73.

  22  Ibid., p.68.

  23  S.W.Head, T.Spann and M.A.McGregor, Broadcasting in America: A Survey of Electronic Media, p.26.

  24  Martin J.Sklar, The Corporate Reconstruction of American Capitalism, 1890-1916: The Market, the Law, and Politics,Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1988, pp.78-85.

  25  Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: A Critique of the Policy of Commercial Broadcasting in the United States, p.74.

  26  Susan Douglas, Inventing American Broadcasting, 1899-1922, p.209.

  27  Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: A Critiqueof the Policy of Commercial Broadcasting in the United States, p.66.

  28  Susan Douglas, Inventing American Broadcasting, 1899-1922, pp.56-57.

  29  Susan Douglas, Inventing American Broadcasting, 1899-1922, pp.208-212.

  30  Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: A Critiqueof the Policy of Commercial Broadcasting in the United States, p.75.

  31  Christopher H Sterling and John M. Kittross,Stay Tuned: A Concise History of American Broadcasting, 2nd ed., Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 1990, p.37.

  32  Susan Douglas, Inventing American Broadcasting, 1899-1922, p.216.

  33  S.W.Head, T.Spann and M.A.McGregor,Broadcasting in America: A Survey of Electronic Media, p.25.

  34  1912年《无线电法案》,法案全文参见美国早期无线电历史网站(United States Early Radio History)。

  35  在当时,短波的用途尚未完全开发,因而被视为没有实用价值的波段。

  36  这一点也是泰坦尼克号沉没的另一个重要后果,参见S.W.Head, T.Spann and M.A.McGregor, Broadcasting in America: A Survey of Electronic Media, p.25。

  37  Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: A Critique of the Policy of Commercial Broadcasting in the United States, p.81, fn 39.

  38  主要和电子管(vacuum tube)和反馈电路(feedback circuit)有关。

  39  Eric Barnouw, A Tower in Babel: A History of Broadcasting in the United States to 1933, p.52.

  40  Hugh G.J.Aitken, The Continuous Wave: Technology and American Radio, 1900-1932, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1985, p.415.

  41  当然,海军出于国家安全完全垄断无线电的愿望和大公司出于商业利益的垄断企图之间也存在着尖锐的矛盾,但二者一致认为无线电技术必须由政府和大商业公司垄断,区别只是在于控制程度的分配。最终在国会的支持下,商业利益占了上风。参见Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: A Critique of the Policy of Commercial Broadcastingin the United States, p.83。

  42  Joseph E. Bardino and John M. Kittross,“Broadcasting’s Oldest Stations: An Examination of Four Claimant”, in Journal of Broadcasting 21 (winter 1977), pp.61-83.

  43  Eric Barnouw, A Tower in Babel: A History of Broadcasting in the United States to 1933, pp.33-37.

  44  参见Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: A Critique of the Policy of Commercial Broadcasting in the United States, p.86。

  45  Harry P.Davis,“The Early History of Broadcasting in the UnitedStates,” in The Radio Industry,(Chicago: A. W. Shaw, 1928), 引自Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: A Critique of the Policy of Commercial Broadcasting in the United States, p.84。

  46  Eric Barnouw, A Tower in Babel: A History of Broadcasting in the United States to 1933, pp.184-188.

  47  其前身为1927年建立的联邦无线电委员会(Federal Radio Commission)。

  48  Carl Zollmann,“Recent Federal Legislation: Radio Act of 1927”, in Marquette Law Review, 1927, vol. 11, no. 3, pp.121-127.

  49  在1912年《无线电法案》颁布之前,1912年9月28日颁布的《无线电通信管理条例》(Regulations Governing Radio Communication)规定了八种电台执照,分别是公共服务、有限商业、实验、技术与培训学校、一般业余、特殊业余、受限业余、高功率,这八种执照都未提到广播,但也正因为如此,新兴的广播最初可以采用任意一种执照进行。参见ThomasH. White的网站United States Pioneering Broadcast Service Stations。有趣的是,传递商业信息的电台使用的是“公共服务”类执照,美国政府的“公共观”由此可见一斑。

  50   参见Thomas H.White的网站United States Pioneering Broadcast Service Stations;以及Barry Mishkind维护的网站This is the Broadcast History section of The Broadcast Archive。

  51  Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: A Critique of the Policy of Commercial Broadcasting in the United States, pp.89-90.

  52  引自Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: A Critique of the Policy of Commercial Broadcasting in the United States, 1996, p.88.

  53  参见美国第69届国会1926年参议院听证会记录(Senate Committee onInterstate Commerce, Radio Control: Hearings before the Committee on Interstate Commerce, 69th Cong., 1st sess., 1926, p.42 [hearingson S. 1 and S. 1754], January 8 and 9, 26)。

  54  Ibid., p.50.

  55   参见Marvin R. Bensman,“Regulation of Broadcasting by the Department of Commerce, 1921-1927”, in Lawrence W.Lichty and Malachi C.Topping, ed., American Broadcasting: A Sourcebook on the History of Radio and Television, New York: Hastings House, 1975, pp.550-552。

  56  据当时的记载,到1927年《无线电法案》颁布前,美国共有28119个电台,其中包括733个广播电台(programstations),14768个业余电台(amateur stations),207个有线商业电台(limited comercial stations),179个实验电台(experimental stations),38个技术与培训电台(technical and training stations),等等。参见Carl Zollmann,“Recent Federal Legislation:Radio Act of 1927”。

  57  参见Thomas Streeter, Sellingthe Air: A Critique of the Policy of Commercial Broadcasting in the UnitedStates, pp.95-96;以及“The Golden Age of American Radio”,引自网站Encyclopaedia Britanica。

  58  参见Carl Zollmann,“Recent Federal Legislation: Radio Act of 1927”。

  59  引自Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: A Critique of the Policy of Commercial Broadcasting in the UnitedStates, p.97。

  60  同上。

  61  参见Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: A Critique of the Policy of Commercial Broadcasting in the UnitedStates, p.98; Carl Zollmann,“Recent Federal Legislation: Radio Act of 1927”。

  62  Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: A Critiqueof the Policy of Commercial Broadcasting in the United States, p.79.

  63  可参考刘子旭:《观看阶级:电视广告的政治经济学分析》。

  64  Robert McChesney, Telecommunications, MassMedia, and Democracy, New York: Oxford University Press, 1993, p.16.

  65  Department of Commerce, Recommendations for Regulation of Radio Adopted by the Third National Radio Conference, Washington,DC: Government Printing Office, 1924,引自Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: ACritique of the Policy of Commercial Broadcasting in the United States, p.102。

  66  Federal Radio Commission,“Statement of August 23, 1928”, p.61.引自Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: A critique of the Policy of Commercial Broadcasting in the United States , p.103。

  67  W.S.Head, T.Spann and A.M.McGregor,Broadcasting in America: A Survey of Electronic Media, p.31.

  68  引自Thomas Streeter, Selling the Air: A Critique of the Policy of CommercialBroadcasting in the United States, p.102。

  69  Robert McChesney, Telecommunications, MassMedia, and Democracy, p.15.

  70   媒体垄断的具体情况可参考B. H. Bagdikian, Media Monopoly, Boston: Beacon Press, 1997, p.xlv。







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